Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kenya Educational Sponsorship Program

The Kenya Educational Sponsorship Program is a brain child of the Fountain Baptist Church that was hatched in 1999 to help the students of Isunguluni Primary school in Kibwezi Kenya.

The Kenya Educational Sponsorship Program (KESP) was established in 2000 under the teaching and leadership of our Pastor via two of God's children, Joe and Rev. Jeanette Goodson, who led by the Holy Spirit developed the KESP and took on the awesome task of leading a group of committed souls to help in the administration of the KESP Ministry in the Isunguluni Village, Kibwezi Kenya. The main objective of KESP is to promote the Great Commission of Jesus Christ while providing the underprivileged children of Kenya with a an opportunity to improve their lives via solid education that will give them the skills they need to become a healthy, strong and successful member of our global community while instilling the importance of using education as a tool for self-reliance and independence. Our philosophy is that "All Things are Possible through Jesus Christ" knowing that "If we give a man a fish he will eat for a day; if we teach a man to fish he will eat for life."

For more information on the Kenya Educational Sponsorship Program, please email Jeanette Goodson at jeanettegoodson@comcast.net.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a good initiative and it teaches us about the greatest commandment in the bible- Loving your God and your Neighbor as thy self.

God bless you sister Jeanette and brother Joe