Sunday, September 16, 2012

PHD Scholarships in Economics

The African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) in partnership with the Kenyan Government in there attempt to build a pool of qualified Economist and Policy Analists is offering scholarships to PHD students in Economics.
The consortium is partnering with universities in the region. To qualify one needs to have applied and been admitted to the three isnttutions below:-
University of Dar es salaam , Tanzania
University of Cape T own , South Africa
University of Witswatersrand , South Africa.
Additionally the students should have a Masters Degree in Economics or Agricultural economics.
Those interested in the scholarship should appy directlly to the universities above and send a copy to AERC on the email
The universities websites will shed more light on the appliaction procedure
 Deadline for receiveing applications in 25th September 2012

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