Friday, July 27, 2012

Call for Funding for Innovative Ideas by NCST

National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) is a statutory institution of the Government of Kenya established by the Science and Technology Act. Cap. 250 of the Laws of Kenya. One of the main functions of NCST is to promote and coordinate matters of Science, Technology and Innovations (ST&I) in the country. 

The Council administers the Government ST&I grant designed to supports research and innovations in priority areas in relation to Vision 2030, Medium term plan and Sector plans. The Council recognizes the critical role played by innovations in driving economic growth and is committed to harnessing their potential.
Are you a Kenyan(s) with a novel and original idea? 

Are you creative? 

Do you have a new invention?

NCST is pleased to invite you to submit your ideas or inventions for consideration under the competitive ST&I grant for 2012/2013 fiscal year. 

The ideas/inventions to be submitted should have a potential to lead into new or improved products, services, processes and new technologies which should be acceptable in the markets and contribute to improving the quality of life.
Application format, budget limit and duration
The applications to be submitted should not exceed fifteen (15) pages (Times New Roman, font size 12,
single spacing). Each application MUST be contained in the official innovation application form that can
be downloaded from NCST website: or MoHEST,
curriculum vitae maximum of two pages and copy of identity card(s).
This year a total of thirty (30) innovation projects will be funded. Successful projects will be supported up to a maximum funding level of Kenya Shillings one million (Ksh 1,000,000) for a period of one year. The NCST recognizes that intellectual property rights are valuable entrepreneurial products that should be protected and their economic potential fully utilized.
All applicants are highly encouraged to protect their ideas through the national offices in charge of intellectual property in the country that include Kenya Industrial Property Institute, Copyright office and the Plant breeders rights office.

Non-disclosure forms will be signed by the external reviewers to enhance confidentiality.
Submission deadline
All applications should be submitted to the address below or delivered to Utalii House, 8th floor Room 822/801 not later than 17:00 hrs on Tuesday 31st July, 2012. Incomplete and applications made after the deadline will not be considered. 

The successful applicants will be notified and the list posted in the websites by 31st August, 2012. Soft copies to be submitted through email:
  • This application is open to all Kenyans,
  • Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply,
  • Recipients of ST&I Grants with on-going projects are not eligible for this Call.
The Secretary/CEO
National Council for Science and Technology
P.O. Box 30623-00100
Tel: 020-310571/2241349/2213471

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