Kenyan scholars who wish to apply for Fulbright awards to conduct research in the United States can do so under two programs, the African Senior Research Program (ASRP) and the Professional Development Program (PDP).
ASRP awards enable chosen candidates to conduct three to nine months of Post-doctoral scholarly or applied research during one academic year at an academic or research institution in the United States.
PDP grants allow candidates to undertake three to five months of a planned program of reading and research at a U.S. institution; "Proposals under this program should be linked to professional duties (teaching, advising, administration).
Programs involving doctoral dissertation research or general professional travel are not accepted. Both programs are for research or reading and research only and do not include lecturing. Thus, lecturing should not be part of the project statement.
Preference is given to proposals that best promote the spirit and goals of the Fulbright program, i.e., to increase and enhance mutual understanding between the United States and Kenya through personal contact and the sharing of professional or academic experience and expertise among the widest possible audience. Preference is also given to people who have at least five years university teaching experience and a productive scholarly record, and whose project proposals relate directly to their ongoing teaching or research responsibilities. Eligible candidates should have at least a doctoral degree or equivalent professional training or experience and should have taught at the university level for a minimum period of five years. A good command of English is essential.
The grants provide:
round trip international travel and excess baggage allowance for the grantee
travel is also provided for a principal dependent of a senior research grantee whose award is nine months, provided that such dependent lives with the grantee for at least 80% of grant duration
a monthly cost of living allowance
an allowance for books, research materials and travel to other institutions and professional meetings
lab fees for senior research grantees only
limited medical insurance coverage for the grantee only
For the 2010-11 competition, which will award grants for the period beginning September 2010, the application deadline is May 31, 2009. After initial review, including an oral interview, the most promising candidates will be asked to fill out official application forms, and obtain the necessary references. Completed applications are sent to Washington, DC, where they are evaluated against applications from other African countries. Final selection of grantees will be announced in February or March 2010.
Preliminary application
Interested candidates should submit the following information for review:
name, address, telephone number, e-mail, employer, citizenship and birth-date
curriculum vitae, a description of current job responsibilities and past positions held
a detailed statement of the proposed research project
justification for the grant period requested
Short-listed candidates will be invited to oral interviews. Finalists will then be required to complete application forms and submit them for consideration by the Fulbright office in Washington.
If you have any queries concerning this application, please call Dr. Justus Mbae, telephone 363-6194 or cell-phone 0721-550217.
Please send your initial application to the The Cultural Attache
U.S. Embassy, P.O. Box 606, Village Market, Gigiri , 00621 Nairobi.
Application deadline is May 31, 2010.
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