Friday, July 27, 2012

Daystar University Scholarships

Daystar University awards over KES 30 million each year to assist approximately 300 students through a variety of scholarships and other financial aid. The eligibility and application process varies depending on the kind of scholarship. The broad range of scholarship programmes enables the University to cater for a wide range of applicants.
Some of the available scholarships are need based while others are based on academic merit. There are full and partial scholarships which are administered every academic year.
Our scholarships fit a variety of our students’ needs. They include:
Daystar Family and Daystar Sunday Partial Scholarships - available once every semester and aimed at helping to bridge gaps during registration or before exams
Book Award - available annually to 6 students who have the highest GPA in their respective year of study
Selected Scholarship- covers 75% of the tuition costs and the beneficiaries are re- evaluated annually
Hardship Scholarship - offered to students who cannot afford to sustain themselves in Daystar even with the 75% scholarship, thus are given a full scholarship
Daystar Hero Scholarship - offered when a student experiences an emergency or a crisis
First Year Scholarship - offered to students who have a mean score of A- and above and have been admitted to Daystar
Recommended scholarship - these are initiated by the donor who then gives full or partial support
International Scholarship - available to international students who have already applied to join Daystar
Work-study- Students can earn up to more than KES 40,000 in each of the main semesters on a need basis and they work 10 hours per week.
There are some scholarships available specifically to women and other special interest groups both in undergraduate and postgraduate study. Eligibility for Daystar University Scholarships is based on merit and need. One must be a registered student.

For additional, detailed information contact the Financial Aid Officer by email at or by calling the University.

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